Cold Rain & Snow-> Little Red Rooster, Tons Of Steel, High Time, When I Paint My Masterpiece, When Push Comes To Shove, Let It Grow Crazy Fingers-> Samson & Delilah, Ship of Fools, Playin' In The Band-> China Doll-> Drums-> Jam-> All Along The Watchtower-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Around & Around-> Sugar Magnolia, E: Black Muddy River
set 1; SBD> PCM> ??> Dat> CD (Healy Matrix); Conversion: Kenwood TrueX> EAC> shn V3 (seekable); via Brian Cole, from Paul B.'s seed' see info file for notes
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August 14, 2024 Subject:
17 years without a review? I'll add one.
One of the strongest, visceral, crowd responding versions of "Ship of Fools" I've ever hear. A magic moment. Worth a listen.
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August 11, 2007 Subject:
20th anniversary for this gem
20 years later, the Grateful Dead rock, and thank god they played the day I was born. good show, good times, good life. it's a good day to be 20 years
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August 11, 2006 Subject:
Drums are kickin on this one!!!
Streamin this now and Drums are out of this world!!! Lovin it!!!!
Reviewer:David Bolewski
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March 10, 2006 Subject:
Red Rocks hard to capture
The way the music is expressed here doesnt do justice to how it behaved outside the ampetheater at
d87-08-11.sbd.4951.5247.sbeok.shnf?start=600"> 10:00 behind Phil 100 yards plus away. The quality of 1987 is really hurtin. I remember Jer's guitar tone was very bright and clear which isnt evident at all in any recording ive heard for 87 Rocks. Great acustics there but oddly it cant be captured with microphones either.I have yet to hear an excellent audience recording from Red Rocks. Seems the particular rocks configuration and rock itself work against the microphones ability to attain sonic perfection.Perhaps the key at Rocks is to find the hot spots. The quality playing has yet to be realized for the year of 1987.Excellent show poor recording.
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February 15, 2006 Subject:
lucky to see this one
Ended up getting into this show w/ what ultimately was a bogus ticket that I'd purchased from a scalper. (tics were hard to come by this day) I owe a THANKS
to all of the other heads who also bought the bogus tix from that a-hole in the parking lot and were denied access...we all tried to "storm" the side gate and myself and a buddy slipped thru during the confusion just as Cold Rain (and the doses) kicked in...good show...2nd show of the three rocked the hardest
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August 27, 2005 Subject:
First Dead Show
Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison was and is the greatest venue and this was the last run the Dead were able to make there. Camping out in Deadland:Tie
dyes, buttons, & other shiny things on Shakedown St. Lovely free spirited hippie girls. It was my first show and seeing it there was key. I camped nearby & got drunk the night before and lost my friends. I had to hitch a ride to the show. But I found everyone soon as I got inside & watched the show from the first 8 rows. Dosed and baked I watched this guy climb the face of Ship Rock barehanded without any gear or was it just a vision? My favorite moments were Cold, Rain & Snow opener, Little Red Rooster & High Time & Black Muddy. I was in no position to discriminate as to the quality of the performance. I only know it was a high that lasted weeks after the last note. I had a great time with good friends in a cosmically strategic space in time.
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July 27, 2005 (edited)
Solid, good ol' Grateful Dead
1st Set: Undenibaly it's always a pleasure to be stuck admidst the "Cold Rain." Not a barnburner, though. Gentleman, hold on tight to your ladies as 'Roosting'
Bobby is on the prowl. Oooohh..things get cooking around from 4:20-5:43. "Tons" is standard. Alright, it's been awhile since we've gotten "High." Not gorgeous, but decent enough. Let's put the spotlight on Mr. Weir as he does a lovely job creating this "Masterpiece." Musically, it's only decent as is the following "Push." Brent's especially pouncy whereas Jerry's especially clangy on the set-closing "Let." 2nd Set: The mellow vibes emerging from this gig continue with a pretty "C"razy." The segue into "Samson" is smoother than the norm but this woman's Not bewitching. A full effort is given to "Ship" that draws approval from the sold-out Red Rocks crowd. "Playin" is the next obvious choice, and the band musically responds with focused effort. It slips into a standard, but always welcome "China." Immediately after the song finishes, Mickey starts the world percussive music. The end of "Space" stands out as a single note of "Watchtower" immediately cues the band to enter Dylan territory. Both that and the "GDTRFB" reasonably rock out. We've been burdened by laid-back tunes most of the evening, so it's a welcome relief that we're skipping the ballad slot for an "Around->Sugar" fest. The former is standard, but the latter is well-played and a good time. The encore, "Black," is well sung and harmonized. Awww, Jerry says 'goodbye everybody.' An OK if Not exciting opener. 2 3/4 rounded up for its rock n roll ending.
Reviewer:skipper 77
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April 14, 2005 Subject:
The boys are together
Great show, Sound is very good. Worth the DL!
Reviewer:David Nelson
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March 31, 2005 Subject:
First show ever!
Just out of high school and leaving a somewhat restrictive homelife to be able to attend my first concert ever. I wasn't really into the band, but my friend's
brother offered a free ticket for waiting over night in line at the Sound Warehouse next to Aurora Hills mall. That night was my first clue into the next life that was awaiting for me in August. Just before getting ready to leave home for college in Golden, I am taken to another world that I couldn't have even imagined in dreams. I can't really remember too much of the show, except for the slide of lil red rooster. I remember learning a thousand new things that night. I remember feeling the world tilt on its axis in a way the made me fall into the band. It was a moment in which my 'past and my future were precisely divided'. The band did that one more time for me in Vegas'92 during Saint of Circumstance. Thank you so much to the the entire achive team for bringing me back for the first time since then. Obviously, I'm going to give this one top ratings. Sound quality is not five, but I don't care.
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September 27, 2004 Subject:
Good Night Everybody
Always loved hearing Jerry step up to the mike and he signed off for the band that night after Black Muddy. The Rocks were glowing. What a spot, what a
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August 23, 2004 Subject:
ok sound quality
the first couple of seconds of the cold rain and snow are the pure audience of this Matrix recording. Well, the quality of audience tape is really
poor. but it turns much better when the sbd is introduced. peace check out 4-11-87
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July 16, 2004 Subject:
hot show, nice quality
was in attendence for this final run at the Rocks. Bringing back good memories, and forgot how good this show was. Crushing Ship of Fools and China Doll...
the matrix mix is sweet, allowing you to hear the crowd get off too! Grab this one! CB
Reviewer:Tampa Red
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July 15, 2004 (edited)
Wow, have I been waiting for this show! My first show at one of this planet's great "power spots" to see a musical performance, and a crackling fun one
to boot. Also my first versions of both Masterpiece and Watchtower, and I preferred the faster-tempo renditions of both tunes played in '87. The post-drums sequence of Watchtower->GDTRFB->Round n Round->Sugar Mag was about the closest thing to a pure rock 'n roll sock hop that I ever heard the Dead play. Incredibly fun - thanks for the memories!